About Model Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd
Model Bank is now ranking as “one of the leading & fast growing ” Urban Co-operative Banks in the State of Telangana. The Bank has attained this premier position due to the confidence reposed by the esteemed members and customers in the Management of the Bank on the one hand and running the Bank on sound principles without compromising with the spirit of Co-operative Principles and by strict compliance to the Directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time.
The motto of the Bank is to extend a “better quality” of customer service and to assimilate and implement innovative methods with a firm commitment to achieve its goals.
Due to introduction of CBS the customers are extended with uninterrupted Banking services from 10.00a.m to 5.00p.m on all working days.
Board of Directors
Nine Elected Directors assumed office on 24/01/1999. The Directors of the Board are successful Businessmen, Industrialists and Banking Experts. Presently there are 2 professional Directors on the Board who have Small Industries Experience. The Directors are rendering their honorary service.

Late Sri Ageer Indrasena
Founder Chariman
Sri Ageer Buchi Babu
Sri V.Chandra Shekar
Vice Chairman
Sri V.Pavan Kumar
Sri M.Madhusudhan
Smt K.Shivani
Smt K.Kamala
Sri G.Mallapa Raju
Professional Director
Sri Pabba Susheel Kumar
Sri B Ram Murthi
Professional Director
Sri V.V.Murali
CEOThe Directors of our Bank are fully committed for the Development of the Bank, Headed by Shri Ageer Buchi Babu as Chairman of the Bank. The Board of Directors are from different walks of life and there are two Professional Directors in the Board with a vast experience in Banking & Small Scale Industries.